You can cancel your SGB application before the application end date. To cancel your SGB application, follow these steps:
- On the new Upstox app, from the ‘Account’ section switch to ‘Upstox for investors’ mode if you’re on the ‘Upstox Pro for traders’ mode.
- Click on ‘Invest in Gold’ on the Homepage.
- Under ‘Portfolio’ - Click on the Application that you want to cancel
- Click on your application status card
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button and confirm your request
- Done! Your order has been cancelled
Keep in mind:
- Cancellation will be disabled on the last day of the tranche (T)
- People who applied before T can only cancel till T-1
- People who applied on T cannot cancel their application
Note: Refund will be credited to your Upstox account (Securities Wallet) within one working day after you cancel your application.