To exit a CO order through the Upstox Pro app, follow these steps:

-IF CO is traded,  You can check the positions in Portfolio--> Positions tab

-To exit your position : 

1. Go to the pending stop-loss/ target leg for CO displayed under Orders Tab.

2. Click on Trigger pending stop-loss/target CO leg.

3. Click on the Cancel button at bottom of the screen and click ‘Yes’.

4. CO position gets squared off at Market price.

5. Once exited, CO position details can be viewed under Portfolio --> Positions --> Closed.

6. As an alternative, you can also cancel CO by navigating to Portfolio --> Positions --> Select CO position --> Open Orders --> Select CO any pending leg --> Click Cancel button and confirm.

To exit a CO order through Upstox Web, follow these steps:

1. Visit ‘Orders’ on the Upstox Web Page.

2. Right click on the stock which you wish to exit.

3. You will get the option of 'Exit'.

4. Click on the ‘Exit Order’ option.

5. Confirm the request by clicking ‘Yes’.